Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a condition primarily characterized by the inability to develop or maintain an erection for a long span of time. This is sometimes referred to as impotence, though the term ED is more acceptable nowadays.

    An erection is achieved through a complex process involving the brain, hormones, nerves, muscles and blood vessels. A problem with any of these can result in ED. Mental stress and fatigue can also cause this. A combination of problems can lead into a cycle that causes ED. For instance, if there is trouble in maintaining an erection due to an underlying condition, stressing over it can prolong or worsen the issue.


    Common causes of ED are:


    ED is not a life threatening condition, although it can be a symptom or caused by underlying ailments which are more serious like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, kidney disease, depression, etc. The best way to prevent ED is to keep these ailments in check with regular medication, and physical exercise. Our New Age non-invasive therapy also helps in management and reversal of certain diseases. Conventional forms of medicine address the symptoms but are rarely able to treat the problem from the root cause. Our research in non-invasive therapy as well as shock wave therapy has led us to create a holistic treatment plan – ED-SCT-100.

    What is ED-SCT-100 treatment plan and how does it work?
    ED-SCT-100 is a therapeutic treatment plan, which results in long-lasting improvements for erectile dysfunction without pain or medication. It is a plan specially designed by us for ED, entailing non-invasive therapy along with extracorporeal shock wave therapy. Shock wave therapy was initially used in 1982 by urologists to as an effective treatment for urinary bladder stones. These days it has proved successful in ED treatments as it helps generate new blood vessels in the area improving the blood flow and amplifies the growth factors and protein synthesis leading to soft tissue repair and collagen synthesis. This therapy also helps in the revascularisation process and stimulates the growth factors and cells to regenerate and repair the damaged tissue.

    How is ED-SCT-100 therapy plan different from other ED treatments?

    Erectile Dysfunction Shock Wave Therapy is a non-invasive, no medicines procedure that prompts the natural mechanism of the body to fix vascular related ED problems, rather than just treat the symptoms. This treatment plan has zero side-effects and is not detrimental to any organ or system of the body.

    ED-SCT-100 therapy benefits :

    • Activates the body’s natural response
    • Helps generate new blood vessels increasing the blood flow in the organ
    • Helps maintain erections for a longer duration.

    The shock waves are generated by a machine and focused on the affected area. This is a non-invasive and painless procedure. The injection is given in the penile region after application of a numbing cream.

    To understand more about this holistic ED-SCT-100 therapy and get details, kindly leave us a message, email us or call us now.

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